4th FAIR Virtual Workshop

4th FAIR Virtual Workshop
4th FAIR Virtual Workshop

“Importance of Adequate Technical Reserves for General Insurance Companies”



About the Workshop

The webinar intends to address the Importance of Technical Reserving for General Insurance Companies covering:
1) Adequate Technical Reserving importance for the insurance company to be able to meet its future obligations. What impact would Covid-19 and changing weather patterns have on reserves
2) The importance of Adequate Technical Reserves on proper pricing of insurance products, and what the company can do to be able to maintain and its market share
3) Why would reinsurers be concerned if the reserve maintained by their direct insurers were not adequate

Mo’men Mukhtar

Mo’men Mukhtar

FAIR, Secretary General
Hiten Kothari, FIA, FIAI

Hiten Kothari, FIA, FIAI

Appointed Actuary, HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company, India
Yvonne Palm, FCAS, FIA

Yvonne Palm, FCAS, FIA

Director, Risk Management & Compliance at Africa Re, Nigeria
Ahmed Al -Qarishi, FSA

Ahmed Al -Qarishi, FSA

Chief Risk Officer, Chief Actuary Saudi Re, Saudi Arabia
09:00 am

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